Saturday, November 08, 2008

Empty yourself before filling yourself up

Two summers ago I drew this. I didn´t know where the third cartoon came from at the time. ¨Empty yourself before filling yourself up¨? Lately I´m figuring it out.

Enter meaning. We spend a lifetime looking for it, the answer to the¨why, why are we here?¨. We keep looking in the wrong places: ¨the what¨ and ¨the how¨.
The what: I want to climb the corporate ladder. I want to marry that person. I want to have a private jet.
The how: I´ll become a Wall St. broker. I will hang out with the ¨right¨ people. Someday I´ll win the lotto.

Where´s the meaning? Why all this? I don´t think that´s the reason why we´re here. That´s ¨filling yourself up¨.

Mark Earls talks about ¨the Purpose Idea¨. Not new, but a fresh way of asking ourselves (or our Organizations) ¨WHY do I get up every morning¨? What´s the point? As it turns out, ¨the Purpose Idea¨ helps us figure out a way to ¨empty¨ ourselves first.

And so by asking ourselves ¨what´s my purpose?¨, meaning responds.
It responds not when we focus on ourselves first (¨filling yourself up¨) but on something bigger than us that becomes our purpose (¨empty yourself¨).

Bonus: A good way of finding your purposes is by leading a Tribe. Seth Godin knows about it, and he explains it beautifully.

Sunday, November 02, 2008

The problem with Elections... that we just look for reassurance of our own beliefs, our need to be right, before thinking of the whole first, and viewing ourselves as part of it.

Have I read the Program of ¨the other¨ political party?
Can I name ten non-personal reasons why ¨our¨ Program is better than theirs?

I once coined the most idealistic and unachievable phrase: ¨The right to vote should only be earned by those capable of demonstrating they can think of ¨the others¨ before themselves¨. Unrealistic. Yes. I can´t help it.