How grateful are we...?
This from the website
Did You Know...
Makes you think...30,000 people die everyday from starvation
150 million street children world wide
842 million people across the world are hungry
798 million people in the developing world are undernourished
Half the world -- nearly three billion people -- live on less than 2 dollars a day.The developing world now spends $13 on debt repayment for every $1 it receives in grants.
To satisfy all the world's sanitation and food requirements would cost only $13 billion, hardly as much as the people of the United States and the European Union spend each year on perfume.
Aaron Jackson is the founder of this organization. He said some very interesting things tonight on the Larry King show. Like the fact that you can deworm 2,000 in Haiti with $100. It´s possible to donate to their cause on their website.
Alignment of long-term strategies and day-to-day operations is not just a ¨corporate¨ concept. Here´s a guy who, at age 26, fully practices it. His organization´s mission (to which he fully commits himself 24/7) is:
Urging humans to make a conscious personal effort in there daily life’s to bring betterment to the planet so every creature grandchildren's grandchildren can simply live.He´s built orphanages and homes for kids and adults in Ecuador, Haiti and Guatemala; more projects underway.
What´s your vision for yourself and what do you do everyday to accomplish it?
oh my God! this is my life´s frustration! Sometimes I think I should and could have done a lot more!!!
Well, you know what they say...
It´s never too late
Wow me encantó la misión de esta persona en su compañía. "Urging humans to make a conscious personal effort in there daily life’s to bring betterment to the planet so every creature grandchildren's grandchildren can simply live."
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