Process Re-engineering leads to alignment?
What do we do when a process doesn’t work in a Company?
We re-engineer it. After all, “process re-engineering” is to problems what aspirin is to headache: let’s shift some responsibilities, move some people around, arrange more meetings. And then, management’s selling line: “We are sure that OUR PEOPLE will understand this and execute accordingly”.
What have we done? We (think we have) have aligned “what we (must) do” (must is key here) with what we want to achieve.
The problem is that we seldom pay attention to the HOW and the WHY.
How people should execute processes is more important than the processes themselves, because it gives you the ability to improve them naturally. The correct HOW is achieved when people understand WHY. In other words, to achieve your long-term objectives, you need to make sure people understand why they do what they do everyday and how their activities contribute to achieving those goals. Because not always people understand WHY they must do what they are doing.
In your company, what percentage of people would you say can connect what they do everyday to the business strategies?
1 comment:
En la piramide de la Resistencia al cambio hay tres partes. La primera, que sería la base de la piramide y la qu incluye más personas es la de 'No conocer'. En esta parte las personas (empleados, etc), como no saben lo que les espera se resisten a cambiar. No se les ha explicado el 'WHY the change is necessary' ni el 'HOW this will affect you and HOW you can change and adapt successfully'.
La segunda parte de la piramide es la de 'No poder' donde el la persona trae la excusa diciendo que no tiene las destrezas o recursos. Entonces ahi es que entra el adiestramiento. Ademas que una buena planificacion debió prever los recursos necesarios.
La tercera y ultima parte de la piramide es la de 'No querer' donde el empleado no tiene motivacion para cambiar. Hay que ver por qué no estan motivados. Los que se siguen resistiendo 'por que sí' son consideradas un 'pain in the...' y no debemos perder nuestras energias en ellos. O se alinean o los alineamos...debido a que ya se les ha provisto todo lo necesario para que puedan enfrentar el cambio y por sus pantalones se resisten.
(De mi clase de comportamiento organizacional)
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